Wednesday, August 8, 2012

River Horse Tripel Horse

For my first review at The Private Beer Stash, I’m reviewing a beer that I’ve had stored away for a special occasion. Tonight I enjoyed a River Horse Tripel Horse by River Horse Brewing Company.

It has a Golden Amber coloring to it. There is a hint of hazinesst. Light passes through easily and you can make out images through the glass, but not clearly. When I poured it a half inch head formed consisting of a thick mass of tiny white bubbles.  It faded to a film on the top of the beer and some lacing formed on the side of the glass.

The aroma was an enticing blend of Bananas and cloves. What I found surprising is that with a 10% ABV I could barely detect a hint of alcohol without searching for it. The flavor, much like the smell is mostly of bananas and cloves with a touch of roasted malts.  There is a slight hint of alcohol, but not much. As the beer approaches room temperature you get a slight biscuity flavor.  The finish is leaves a pleasant malt flavor in the mouth.

It’s a light bodied beer. The carbonation is just right for the beer to add some bite to the tongue, but not to be distracting.

This is a dry beer that drinks very easily. When you factor in the 10% ABV you have to really watch yourself or you could end up feeling the effects quickly.  I thoroughly enjoyed this beer and look forward to enjoying it again.I give it 7 out of 10.

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